It's time to elevate your school's brand.

Below you’ll find a few helpful guides and worksheets that can kickstart your strategic thinking for your school. 

Brand Alignment Assessment

Have you ever wondered if there’s ways your school’s brand can be better? Or maybe it’s floundering and you don’t know what to do. This interactive worksheet will help give you a starting point of assessing the health of your school’s brand. It’s perfect for:

– School Heads
– Marketing Directors
– Admissions Directors

Brand Voice Worksheet

The way your school speaks matters just as much as the words you say. This interactive worksheet provides helpful prompts that begin to uncover your school’s brand voice. With these prompts in hand, you’ll gain a deeper insight into how you can calibrate your voice to increase the impact of your marketing. It’s perfect for:

– School Heads
– Marketing Directors
– Admissions Directors

The Impact Of Branding E-book

If you’ve ever wondered whether or not you should give attention to your school’s brand, then this e-book is for you. You’ll leave with a better grasp on what branding is and the tangible ways it brings value to your school. It’s perfect for:

– School Heads
– Board Members
– Communication Directors

Dream Student Assessment

Knowing who your school’s dream student is will help make your brand more potent and your marketing more powerful. This assessment is full of prompts that will help you identify your target market. It’s perfect for:

– Admission Directors
– Marketing Directors
– Communication Directors

Basic Brand Toolkit Checklist

Does your school have a well-equipped brand? This checklist gives you insight into the key components every school needs to have a robust and effective brand system.

– Marketing Directors
– Communication Directors
– Directors of Advancement


Lynn-Rose School


Bellevue Children's Academy

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